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Personal Details
Aflatoun Online Membership

First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Name Suffix
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Educational Attainment
Age *
Place of Birth
Citizenship *
Civil Status *
Other Citizenship
School Name
School Address
No. / St./ Zone
Subd/Brgy/Dist *
Province *
City / Municipality *
Zip Code *
Cellphone # *
Telephone #
Email Address *
Pre-Membership Details
Date of Membership *
PMES Conducted On
Date of Orientation
Area Code
Conducted By
Entry *
Type of Member *
Account Classification *

Parent's Datails
Father's Full Name
Date of Birth
Home Address
Mother's Maiden Name *
Date of Birth
Home Address
In Case of Emergency
Full Name *
Complete Present Address
Contact *
Supporting Documents
By my signature, I certify that my child has joined the Aflatoun Child-friendly Savings. As a parent/guardian, I will ensure that my child receives proper guidance and support.
Parent / Guardian Signature *
Upload photo (optional)
An Aflatoun Promise
As a member of Aflatoun, I promise..
To participate actively in the Aflatoun activities
To prepare all the school and community projects to the best of my ability, basing them on the
Aflatoun moto "Separate Fiction from Fact, Explore, Think, Investigate & Act"
To encourage friends/schoolmates to join in the savings program so they can see and reap the benefits of the Aflatoun membership offer
To adhere to the guidelines set for the savings activity
To be aware that I am saving for my future, thus, I will avoid withdrawals for petty expenses.
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